Scum Bunch Online

Tolerably unethical, while cloaked in a bathrobe of ostensible human decency.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Patrick Bateman always exuded confidence, and rarely questioned his methods.

As a true, veteran Scum Buncher, you might ask yourself from time to time, "Am I a total sociopath?" This is a perfectly natural response to several consecutive weekends of hard-nosed scum bunching. And listen, the answer to this question is: probably not. The odds are against it. The worst thing you can do when doubts begin to creep into your mind is hole yourself up in your apartment for a weekend. A better question to ask is this:

What happens when we fall off a Moose?

Answer: We get back on.

And we wear this T-shirt.

One of your Scum Bunch pledge brothers was dying for a Jessica Alba
jpeg. Alba is also tentatively scheduled to appear at a Scum Bunchin' Charity Function in the not-too-distant future.

So is this Laguna Beach hosebag.

"I have to return some videotapes."


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